Flash-packers and Backpackers

 First we have to look out who is a backpacker. Backpackers are formal travelers who plan to travel cheap  price and stay at hostels or their own tent’s. They carry big backpack (big bag) to store their daily need goods. they didn’t care about their luxury needs they only care about their travel. it is also called budget travelers or independent travelers. They uses public transport services to travel and they travels longer duration trips. they interest to meet local peoples and talk with them as well as seeing sight’s. They also have less money to spend on hotels or private vehicles.

Two backpackers

    Then we are going to look at who is a flash-packer. Flash packers are travelers who take technological instrument’s and cares luxury need’s. They are also called ‘Techno-travelers’. It is the latest travel trend for young’s. It’s means you travel with your i pod, i pad, laptop or any other bulk of technology and use those devices to find the best last minute travel deals for comfortable lodging. They want to blog and broadcast live video streams of their travel experiences, so they need free WiFi at their hostel.

5 ways to be good flash-packer   

#1: Don’t Forget Your Roots

#2: Don’t Overplan Your Flashpacking Trip

#3: Don’t Feel Guilty for Taking Shortcuts

#4: Don’t Be Ashamed to Splash Out

#5: Don’t Forget the Technology (and the Chargers)

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