Key Departments of a Hotel

  • — Front Office 
  • — House keeping 
  • — Food and Beverage 

                       — Banquets
                       — Restaurants

  • — Security 
  • — Gaming & Entertainment 
  • — Maintenance 
  • — Sales and Marketing 
  • — Finance & Administration 
  • — Human Resources 
  •  Management

Departmental Heads

— General Manager

— Rooms Division Manager

— Food Beverage Manager

— Finance Manager

— Sales Manager

— Gaming Manager

— Human Resource Manager

— Maintenance Manager

Front office Department
The Front Office function of a Hotel is to act as the public face of the hotel, primarily by greeting hotel patrons and checking in guests. The front office of a hotel generally performs the following basic activities:
·         Processing advance reservations
·         Registering guests
·         Rooming guests
·         Handling guests’ luggage
·         Issuing room keys
·         Providing information
Housekeeping Department

The impact of the housekeeping function on the success of a hotel’s operations cannot be underestimated. Although the staff providing this service do not necessarily interact directly with the public, the quality of their work is critical in shaping guests’ memories of their stay. A housekeeping department consists of multiple cleaning professionals who perform a variety of light tasks aimed at maintaining the interior of private and commercial facilities, including hotels, hospitals, residential facilities, restaurants and office buildings. No formal education is required to obtain a role within this field, as most learn their skills on the job. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, housekeepers and other building cleaning personnel held 4.1 million jobs in generally performs the following basic activities:
·         Cleaning and Maintenance
·         Laundry
·         Supply Maintenance
Food and Beverage Department

The F & B Department depends on the other departments in the hotel for effective functioning. Smooth co-ordination is important and is crucial even to the minute detail. Communication between departments must be prompt, clear, concise and passed down to the personnel involved and affected. Simply the KITCHEN Of the hotel with Trained Staff to Delight the Guests with the Culinary Expertise.

Security Department

·         Protect the interest and safety of guests within the hotel compound.
·         Car park and traffic flow.
·         Guests who feel that they are well taken care of feel safe in our hotel will come back, and with the ease of parking their car and smooth flow of traffic will prevent aggravation to the guests who are in the mood of enjoying themselves.

Gaming & Entertainment Department

·         Entertain guests
·         Casino
·         Conduct gaming events
·         Conduct concerts

Maintenance Department

·         To check, repair and service areas those are required.
·         Maintain the equipment of the F & B.
·         Service personnel must report any area that needs repairs or servicing and also to present guests that our facilities are in good condition

Human Resources Department

·         Recruitment of staff.
·         Handle any disciplinary actions to be taken.
·         F & B liaise with the personnel department if any disciplinary actions to be taken, ask for advice on employee grievances and submit requisition of staff to the personnel.
Sales and Marketing Department

·         Get clients to use suites or rooms for seminars and meetings.
·         Get clients to hold functions using hotel facilities in banquets.
·         F & B personnel will do the necessary arrangement for the preparation and see to guests needs.

Finance & Administration Department

·         Obtain quotations
·         Purchase daily perishable and non perishable items
·         Issuing of goods to the respective departments or outlets
·         F & B can ask for quotations required and to receive goods from the store must fill in requisition form so that F & B cost can be computed.

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