The Ultimate Guide to Sex Tourism History and What to Know

The Ultimate Guide to Sex Tourism: History and What to Know


Sex tourism is a contentious issue that has generated numerous arguments and conversations. Others contend that it is exploitative and unethical, while some contend that it is a method to explore one’s sexuality. Whatever your opinion on the subject, sex tourism is a widespread reality around the world. This guide’s objective overview of the sector, recommendations for where to go, and information on what to know are all meant to help you have a fun and safe experience.

What is Sex Tourism?

The practice of going to a foreign country with the intention of indulging in sexual activity while you’re there is referred to as “sex tourism.” This can include going to a prostitute, taking part in group sex parties, or actively seeking out sexual interactions with people who live in the area. Although men are more commonly thought of as being involved in the sector of sex tourism, women are also active participants.

The History of Sex Tourism

The Ultimate Guide to Sex Tourism History and What to Know

The roots of sex tourism go back millennia, and its history is intricate and multifaceted. Traveling for sex has a long and colourful history, even if the contemporary idea of sex tourism as we know it now didn’t completely develop until the 20th century.

One of the oldest instances of sex tourism may be found in ancient Greece, when men would go to the city of Corinth to have sex with the Corinthian girls, temple prostitutes. The city’s religious practices adored these women for their sexual prowess and regarded them as sacred figures.

The Middle Ages, several centuries later, are when courtesans first appear in Europe. These powerful and affluent men sought after these highly educated and accomplished ladies because they were frequently well-travelled and had a thorough understanding of other languages and cultures. Several courtesans were known to participate in sexual acts with their clients, even though their services were not always overtly sexual in character.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, travel became more affordable, and sex tourism started to evolve. In order to have sex with native women, Western men, especially those from Europe and North America, would go to regions of Asia and Africa. This was frequently viewed as a means for these men to experience the exoticism of other cultures while also exploring their own sexual dreams and needs.

Due to websites and online forums that allowed people to communicate with one another for sexual purposes, the development of the internet in the latter half of the 20th century ushered in a new era of sex tourism. Today, sex tourism is a widespread practice that can take on a variety of shapes, from upscale escort services in big cities to low-end prostitution on the streets of underprivileged places.

Although the history of sex tourism is complicated and frequently contentious, it is certain that the practice has long been a part of human civilization. Sex tourism is still a hotly debated issue in today’s society, whether it is seen as a benign kind of sexual exploration or as a method of sex exploitation and commodification.

The Types of Sex Tourism

Sex tourism can take many different forms, depending on the preferences of the individual traveler. Here are some of the most common types of sex tourism:

  1. Brothel-based sex tourism: This involves visiting licensed brothels or red-light districts where sex work is legal and regulated.
  2. Escort-based sex tourism: This involves hiring escorts or sex workers for individual sessions or longer-term arrangements.
  3. Street-based sex tourism: This involves seeking out sex workers on the street or in other public places.
  4. Online-based sex tourism: This involves engaging with sex workers through online platforms, such as social media or escort websites.
  5. Sex tourism in massage parlors: This involves seeking out sexual services in massage parlors or other similar establishments.
  6. Sex tourism in swinger clubs: This involves visiting swinger clubs or other similar venues in order to engage in sexual activities with other like-minded individuals.

It’s worth noting that engaging in sex tourism can be illegal in many places, regardless of the specific type of activity involved. Additionally, individuals should be aware of the potential risks associated with engaging in sexual activities with strangers, including the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections or falling victim to violence or exploitation. It’s important to prioritize safety and take steps to minimize risk when engaging in any kind of sexual activity while traveling.

Why do People Engage in Sex Tourism?

Photo by Masha S on Unsplash

People may partake in sex tourism for a variety of reasons. It might be viewed as a safe and consenting option for some people to explore their own sexuality and wants. Others might be seeking a novel and thrilling experience or a specific kind of sexual encounter that is hard to come by in their home country.

Yet, the need for power and control is often the driving force behind sex tourism. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as the urge to engage in taboo or unlawful sexual behaviors or the desire to have sex with someone who is younger or more attractive than oneself.

Economic factors may also play a role in some instances of sex tourism. For instance, people in underprivileged communities may resort to sex work to support their families and themselves. Similar to how tourists from more affluent nations could be attracted by cheap sexual services to regions where sex trade is common.

It is vital to note that sex tourism can have substantial negative effects on both the individuals engaged and the communities where it occurs, regardless of the motivations behind it. Sex workers may be susceptible to exploitation and abuse, as well as a heightened chance of developing sexually transmitted diseases and encountering assault. As a result of sex tourism, communities may experience an increase in crime and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Individuals are ultimately responsible for weighing the possible hazards and rewards of sex tourism and making informed decisions about their behaviour. Nonetheless, it is crucial to be aware of the possible harm that can result from engaging in this behaviour and to take precautions to reduce the risk of exploitation and abuse.

The Ethics of Sex Tourism

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The morality of sex tourism is a subject that is frequently discussed and debated. On the one hand, proponents of sex tourism contend that it can boost regional economies and open up job prospects for sex workers. Sex tourism may be a lucrative sector that brings in a lot of money for businesses and the government in locations where sex work is permitted and regulated.

However, opponents of sex tourism contend that it continues to exploit and harm weaker groups, particularly women and children. Sex workers may be susceptible to abuse and exploitation by customers or traffickers and are frequently forced into the business owing to poverty, a lack of education, or other causes in many parts of the world.

Nevertheless, there is still a chance of abuse and exploitation even in jurisdictions where sex work is permitted and controlled. Clients may abuse their position of power over sex workers, while sex workers may face hazardous working circumstances or lack of control over their own bodies.

The ethics of sex tourism are ultimately complicated and nuanced, and they heavily depend on the unique environment and circumstances at play. Some contend that decriminalizing and regulating sex work is the best way to address the issues of exploitation and abuse connected to sex tourism, while others contend that it is inherently unethical to engage in any type of sexual activity with someone who is exchanging sex for cash or other goods.

Safety Concerns in Sex Tourism

Photo by Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition on Unsplash

Both tourists and sex workers may have serious safety issues while engaging in sex tourism. Visitors run the danger of obtaining STIs, being the victim of theft or violence, or getting into legal trouble because they use prostitution. In some circumstances, scammers or predators may also target visitors in an effort to take advantage of their gullibility.

Sex workers may also be subject to a number of safety dangers, especially if they work in unlicensed or illegal environments. They might be threatened with arrest or harassed by law authorities, or they might be the target of assault or abuse from customers or pimps. Also, because to a lack of access to healthcare and unsafe working circumstances, sex workers may be more susceptible to STIs or other health issues.

Sex tourism must be practiced in a safe, responsible, and courteous manner in order to reduce these hazards. Respecting the boundaries and autonomy of sex workers, wearing condoms, having frequent STI tests, and staying away from illicit or unregulated sex work are all part of this. Before engaging in sex tourism, it’s vital to understand the legal climate and safety concerns of a specific location and to be informed of regional customs and laws pertaining to sex work.

The promotion of better working conditions and expanded rights for sex workers is another goal of organizations and advocacy groups. These initiatives include pushing for the legalization and regulation of sex work, offering assistance and resources to sex workers, and arguing for the inclusion of sex workers in debates about public policy that affects their safety and legal rights.

The Pros and Cons of Sex Tourism

Like other contentious behaviours, sex tourism has both supporters and opponents. Following are some of the most frequently claimed advantages and disadvantages of sex tourism:


Sexual exploration: For some, engaging in sexual acts in a new and unfamiliar place may be an exhilarating and liberating experience.

Safe and consensual: In many instances, sex tourism offers individuals a means to explore their sexuality in a safe and consensual manner.

Economic benefits: In regions where sex work is popular, sex tourism can generate cash for both sex workers and the larger community.

New experiences: Sex tourism can offer unique and thrilling experiences to people in search of adventure or an escape from the monotony of everyday life.


Exploitation: Many sex workers are subject to exploitation and abuse, including trafficking and coercion.

Spread of disease: Sex tourism can contribute to the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS.

Negative impact on communities: Communities that are heavily impacted by sex tourism may suffer from increased rates of crime and decreased quality of life.

Ethical concerns: Many people view the practice of engaging in sexual activities with individuals who are in a vulnerable position (such as sex workers) as unethical and immoral.

Ultimately, it is up to individuals to weigh these pros and cons and make their own decisions about whether or not to engage in sex tourism. However, it is important to consider the potential risks and consequences of such actions and to take steps to minimize harm to both oneself and others.

How to Stay Safe While Engaging in Sex Tourism

Photo by Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition on Unsplash

While engaging in sex tourism, it is important to prioritize safety and take steps to protect yourself and others. Here are some tips for staying safe while engaging in sex tourism:

  1. Research your destination: Before traveling, research the laws and customs related to sex work in your destination. Be aware of the risks and safety concerns, and take precautions accordingly.
  2. Use protection: Always use protection, such as condoms, to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  3. Practice informed consent: Respect the autonomy and boundaries of sex workers, and obtain informed consent before engaging in any sexual activity.
  4. Avoid illegal or unregulated sex work: Engaging in illegal or unregulated sex work can put you at risk of arrest, violence, or other safety concerns.
  5. Trust your instincts: If something feels off or uncomfortable, trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation.
  6. Be discreet: Keep a low profile and avoid drawing attention to yourself or your activities.
  7. Stay in safe and reputable accommodations: Choose accommodations that are safe and reputable, and avoid staying in areas known for high crime or violence.
  8. Keep your valuables secure: Keep your valuables, such as cash and travel documents, secure and out of sight to avoid theft or loss.

By taking these steps, you can help ensure your safety and the safety of others while engaging in sex tourism. Additionally, it is important to be respectful and responsible in your actions, and to avoid contributing to exploitation or harm of sex workers.

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

The legal status of sex tourism varies widely depending on the country or region in question. In some places, prostitution is legal and regulated, while in others it is illegal and subject to criminal penalties.

In countries where sex work is legal, sex tourism may be a thriving industry. Places like the Netherlands and parts of Australia have well-established sex industries that attract tourists from around the world.

However, in other countries, sex work is illegal and those caught engaging in sex tourism may face serious legal consequences. In some cases, sex tourists may be subject to prosecution both in their home country and in the country where the offence occurred.

In addition, even in locales where sex work is nominally permitted, there may be a number of prohibitions and restrictions that complicate the situation for sex tourists. In some locations, prostitution may be permitted only if it takes place in licensed brothels, whilst in others, it may be unlawful to engage in sex work with anyone under a specific age.

Therefore, the legal landscape of sex tourism can be complex and confusing, and it is necessary for individuals to investigate and understand the local laws and regulations before engaging in sexual activity.

How to Respect the Culture of Your Destination Country

Respecting the culture of your destination country is an important aspect of responsible travel, including when engaging in sex tourism. Here are some tips for showing respect for the culture of your destination country:

  1. Learn about the culture: Before travelling, research the culture, customs, and traditions of your destination country. This can help you understand what is considered appropriate behavior and avoid unintentionally offending others.
  2. Dress appropriately: Respect local customs and dress appropriately, especially in areas with more conservative dress codes. Avoid clothing that is revealing or inappropriate for the culture.
  3. Use appropriate language: Avoid using language that is offensive or disrespectful to the culture of your destination country. Learn a few words and phrases in the local language, and use them when appropriate.
  4. Observe local customs: Follow local customs and traditions, such as removing your shoes before entering a home or place of worship.
  5. Be aware of your surroundings: Be aware of your surroundings and respectful of the local community. Avoid behaviour that is disruptive or disrespectful, such as public displays of affection.
  6. Avoid cultural appropriation: Avoid appropriating the culture of your destination country by respecting intellectual property rights, avoiding cultural stereotypes, and being aware of the history and context of cultural practices.
  7. Support local businesses and communities: Support local businesses and communities by purchasing locally made products, eating at local restaurants, and participating in cultural activities.

By respecting the culture of your destination country, you can show your appreciation for the local community and contribute to a more positive and respectful travel experience.

What Are the Risks and Precautions to Take When Engaging in Sex Tourism?

Engaging in sex tourism can be a risky endeavour, and it’s important to take certain precautions to protect yourself. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Always use protection: This is a given, but it’s especially important when engaging in sexual activity with strangers in a foreign country. Make sure to bring your own condoms and use them every time.
  • Avoid risky behaviours: Be wary of people who seem too eager or pushy, and don’t engage in activities that seem dangerous or illegal. Always trust your gut and use common sense.
  • Be aware of local laws: Some countries have laws that prohibit certain sexual activities or behaviors. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the laws of the country you’re visiting, and avoid breaking them at all costs.
  • Watch your alcohol intake: Alcohol can impair your judgment and make you more susceptible to risky behaviour. Limit your alcohol intake, especially when engaging in sexual activity.


Although the subject of sex tourism can be divisive and contentious, it’s crucial to approach it with an open mind and a desire to learn. You can have a safe and happy encounter by making informed judgments and being aware of the benefits and risks of sex tourism. Always put your own safety and well-being first, and treat others with respect no matter where they are in the world.


Q: Is It legal?

A: The legality of sex tourism varies from country to country. In some places, it is completely legal and even encouraged, while in others it is strictly prohibited. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the laws of the country you’re visiting and to abide by them.

Q: Is sex tourism ethical?

A: The ethics of sex tourism are hotly debated, with many arguing that it exploits vulnerable individuals and perpetuates a culture of objectification and commodification of sex. Others argue that it can provide economic opportunities for individuals in impoverished areas. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide what they feel comfortable with.

Q: What are some of the benefits?

A: Some potential benefits of sex tourism include increased economic opportunities for locals, exposure to new cultures and perspectives, and the opportunity for sexual exploration and self-discovery.

Q: What are some of the risks?

A: Some potential risks of sex tourism include exposure to sexually transmitted infections, physical violence, legal repercussions, and emotional trauma.

Q: How can I engage in sex tourism safely and responsibly?

A: To engage in sex tourism safely and responsibly, it’s important to research the laws and customs of the country you’re visiting, use protection, avoid risky behaviours, and prioritize your own safety and well-being above all else.

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